Monday, December 20, 2010

Casper Kiser Sharpening DVD's

We have the complete educational presentations in DVD format by Casper Kiser from the Sharpener's Jam this year. Casper is the plant floor supervisor from Oster / Arius Eickert and is the foremost expert on shears and sharpening in the USA. We now have 5 hours of DVD education that is useful no matter what sharpening system you have. Learn how shears are made and understand the twist in the Hollow and the Hone, see a demonstration of shears realigning without bending or hammering in Casper Kiser's Advanced Shear Sharpening. Then sit with the audience and here questions asked and answered by the expert in the Q & A with Casper DVD. Order from Bonika shears website or the wholesale website

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Bonika Shears

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