Tuesday, January 26, 2010

California Sharp N Shop

This year’s Sharp N Shop increased in numbers from last year and centered on marketing and selling shears. However, I also did a sharpening demonstration including sharpening a surgical shear and a nipper along with a convex shear. Although the Sharp N Shop was scheduled for one day, it felt so much longer since I worked with Bob Lee for a couple of days more helping him get a great start in his new sharpening career. Later in the week, a couple from Wisconsin dropped in at the show and we swapped sharpening tips as I sharpened at the ISSE show. We also trained a new sharpener from South Dakota who met us in Oklahoma City on the way down. Plus, we will be meeting with a couple of different sharpeners on our travels back across the country this upcoming week on our way home. Sharpeners are everywhere and are telling us business is good.

We plan to have one at the same location about the same time next year just before or after the International Salon and Spa Expo in Long Beach.

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Bonika Shears

Catch up on Bonika Shears news, highlights from hairshows, sharpening tips, photos and events of interest to hair stylists and those who sharpen their shears.